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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/08/2007
Chichester Conservation Commission

Minutes of Meeting

October 8, 2007

Meeting called to order at 7:10pm.  Members present:  Bob Mann. Jeff Andrews, Walter Sanborn, Zack Boyajian, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

The minutes of the August 13th meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Sanborn and seconded by Mr. Andrews to accept the minutes as presented.  Motion passes.

Correspondence was reviewed.

The Selectmen’s minutes for the month of September were reviewed.

A Ground Water Release Detection System Renewal for MTS was reviewed.

Review of Plans for Giuda/Merrill Subdivision

The review of the Merrill Subdivision developed the following wetland concerns.

--The limited buildable area upon lot 3

--The encroachment of driveway located within lot 5 upon the wetland buffer

The review of the Giuda Subdivision developed the following wetland concerns.

--The layout of underground utilities may potentially encroach upon wetland buffers.


A letter will be drafted for submission to the State of NH DES citing that the original review was done with plans that were not current with all revisions, and that the Commission brings forward the above stated concerns, and adding that there is no impact to any High-Value Wetlands included in the recent study.

CCC Goals Status Review


The execution the Ferman Conservation Easement to be headed by Jeff Andrews

Mr. Andrews stated that the easement should be executed within the next 2-3 months.  The Fire Department easement has been drafted and reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and Town Counsel.  There were a few suggestions for addition.  The Town’s responsibility will be to walk and review the property yearly.  Mr. Andrews has corresponded with the Wetlands Bureau regarding the timeline for execution of the easement.

The completion of the High-Value Wetlands Study to be headed by Bob Mann and Jeff Andrews

Mr. Jones has contacted Mr. Felcon.  The Commission has yet to receive permission to access the properties.  Anticipated wrap up of the study with a draft submission is December.  A public informational meeting will follow.

The reconstruction of the Marsh Pond Dam to be headed by Bob Mann

Mr. Mann stated that the State has declared the damn as breeched.  There is no further comment at this time.

The revision and development of land management plans for conservation and town-owned lands to be headed by Zack Boyajian

Mr. Boyajian has met with the Recreation Committee.  The Committee is in the process of developing a Town Recreation Plan.  The goal is to review all possible Town recreation facilities and involve all Town departments in the process.  There will be preparatory meetings on 10/17/07, 11/07/07, and 11/28/07 followed by a Public Informational meeting on Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 10am.  Mr. Boyajian will present the Committee with the available lands (MSCA, Spaulding Town Forest) and their restrictions.  Mr. Boyajian shared with the Commission several RSA’s regarding the establishment and management of town forests.

Mr. Boyajian also reported to the Commission that the Road Agent has progressed with the plans of constructing a sander barn and the excavation project.

The establishment of long-range, forward looking objectives of the Commission to be headed by Zack Boyajian  No report at this time.

The completion of the Base Line Documentation Report of the Plummer parcel of the MSCA to be headed by Jeff Andrews.

Mr. Andrews stated that further review of the property will be completed when the autumn foliage has fallen.

Land Protections Contacts

Mr. Andrews stated that the proposed property of Mr. Whittemore has been appraised at a value of $6500.00.  Mr. Andrews shall prepare a draft deed.  The Commission inquired as to the owed taxes upon this property, and requested Mr. Pike to gather and distribute this information.  The Commission shall schedule a Public Hearing for November 11, 2007 for the purpose of expending funds to complete a title search on this property.

Other Business

The Commission reviewed the budget preparation worksheet provided by the office of the Town Administrator.  The Commission will submit its review to the Board of Selectmen and meet with the Board and Budget Committee on November 6, 2007.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Boyajian and seconded by Mr. Mann to adjourn the meeting at 8:53pm.

Respectfully Submitted,



Jamie A Pike, Secreatry



Not Yet Approved

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Robert Mann, Chairman                       Date